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  1. Now that your environment is setup and ready for data capture(see setup if you have yet to do this), you will land on the “search” page. Try searching for keywords, URLs, user names, etc

    ezgif.com-gif-maker (32).gif

    (If you have added the snippet in an environment that is used often, you might already have a few logged instances!)

    (If you don’t have any sessions logged yet, you will not be able to search anything. To seed your dataset, jump into the environment and click around like a “user”. Close the tab to end the session. Navigate back to the sessions page and refresh to see your most recent session in the application!)

  2. Once a session has been logged, you have a few options. You can replay this session in a simulation, copy and share the session, or dive deeper to learn more about the experience.

    ezgif.com-gif-maker (33).gif

  3. After reviewing the session and the data provided, reproduce the user session by hitting “play session”.

    ezgif.com-gif-maker (35).gif

    (We will prompt you to select an environment to run the simulation in and then open up right in a new browser)

  4. A new browser will open up and kickoff the user simulation.

    ezgif.com-gif-maker (31).gif

  5. Play around with the simulator to experience the real! A few features to know:

Let us know what you think and what we might be missing!

Read more about what data PlayerZero collects and why →

More Pages:

About PlayerZero

Setup: Getting started with PlayerZero

Data: What PlayerZero collects and why